Monday, September 15, 2008


Tyler making "hotcakes" (pancakes)

Tyler turns 3...he loves Thomas

Addie being cute...and messy

Addie being...Addie...

Addie loving Tyler...he tries to get away from her...she steals the whole bed.
Just a few pictures of my little ones. It helps to put a face with a story :)

Sooooo busy!!!!

OK, so I'm so busy that it took me eight months to remember that I started a blog...and than another few days to figure out what the sign in and password are.

My babies are growing at a rapid rate, they do that I guess. Ty is three, Addie is 18 months.

Tyler started school last month, he qualified for the counties 3-5 yr program. He tested in July as being delayed in all areas tested (I think there's five). All I can say is, "that was then!" As of this week, he knows the alphabet, he can count to twelve, he knows all colors, he is coming up with opposites daily (funny ones, like, "daddy has big ears, mamma has small, cute ears" and not so funny, "elmo (his chair) small, mamma big"....hahhaha, brat :). We were told at a meeting last week to update his new goals, he will not be in special ed next year, they have reserved him a spot in "normal" pre-K for next year!!!! All those months/years of not talking...he must of just been observing. When he finally started talking at three, everything we had ever taught him just started spilling out. It has been pointed out by his PT that passive babies often become passive learners. That I have to accept that Tyler is now a healthy guy and we have to start forcing him to figure things out on his own. I have been by his side for the last three years doing everything for him. He's never really had to solve problems on his own, he'd just wait for me to come along and take care of things for him. So, now I have to stand back and let him get mad at his puzzles, work to get the last scoop out of the yogurt container by himself, etc. I don't think it will be a problem...for him, he's really bright.

Addison is the cutest child (locally anyway :) She's full of drama and very feisty. She's wild and her hair usually represents her mood. If one pony tail is missing; look's been a rough morning. She's walking....finally. It took her 17 months, but she took off running. Now she's climbing tables and things. It's strange we used to let Tyler climb whatever he wanted, after all it was a form of physical therapy. Now, I have to tell Addie, no. I always find her climbing in Tyler's bed trying to snuggle with him. She loves lying with him and watching his shows.

School.... So this probably wasn't the best time to return to school, but I'm already way to deep in it to turn back ;) So I have to keep pushing ahead. I have a drug dosage/dementional analysis test on Thursday, I have to get a 80% to remain in the RN program. I'm going to be honest I have no F-ing idea how I'm going to pull it off. I'm a bit concerned to say the least. My inlaws are on vacation and have been for what seems like I have no childcare. And my super-fantastic supportive (99% of the time) husband has training all week, so no help from him this week. Alright, enough about that, I'm already having problems sleeping. Also school related, the kids aren't lacking attention, but my house IS. It's a bit untidy, not organized like usual, the laundry is consistently getting backed up, the dishwasher always needs emptying (strange since I never cook anymore). My specialty is now vegetarian rubens and soup. Only 19 months to go, say a little prayer for me.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Why I'm Here

Because I want to be

Because Colby has his own blog, made me think I wanted a blog

Great way to let family see my babies

Will force me to take the time to blog regular events, making sure I don't miss anything or take anything for granted in my life

I might do 365 days of Tyler and Addison, but maybe everyother day, I don't think I can fit in picture downloads everyday

Tyler does a lot of funny things, I don't write them anywhere and I should

Sometimes I just like to get my feelings, pet peeves, thoughts, or even favorite drink recipe out there

I realized over the holiday break, I was over productive and felt like bragging about it

I love reading other people's blogs